
Strip Steak with Balsamic reduction & Parsley Garlic Mashed potatoes

Okay, we're all getting a bit tired of chicken so I pulled out the big guns - Strip Steak!  Cries of "hurray!" ring through the house.  Even the dogs look hopeful.  I have to say that I love really fresh, hot french fries with steak - but the next best thing is mashed potatoes.  These are truly fabulous with parsley and Parmesan cheese.  The George Foreman grills the steaks up nicely - I have to say that I could not manage in the kitchen without mine.  As long as you don't wander away and over-cook, you can prepare so many things on it.  (A bit of a pain to clean, granted!)  Here is the way I cooked it...

First saute the onion, and mushrooms in olive oil until they started to brown.
Then add sliced garlic and brown only a little
Add 1/2 a cup balsamic vinegar

Season the steak generously to make a nice crust

Smoked Spanish Paprika
Rainbow pepper, freshly ground
Sea salt

Peel and boil the potatoes (I used Yukon Gold, which have a great flavor)
Drain when they are cooked through
Add 1/2 cup milk (or cream, if you wish) and heat
Add tbls butter and melt
1 clove crushed garlic
1/2 cup chopped parsley
Whip it all up with an electric beater


Top with freshly grated Parmesan


Now throw the steaks on the preheated grill and get them going.

Meanwhile, the onions, mushrooms, and balsamic sauce will have reduced down to a glaze - you can always add a little water or red wine if it is too dry
Add a tblsp of butter to give it a rich and shiny finish

The steaks will be ready when they are still soft when you push on them - the firmer they are, the more well done the meat will be...


Top them with the balsamic mixture.
I served with carrots and my trick is to add some maple syrup to the pan after they are drained - let that coat the carrots, and season with salt and pepper - yum!


The dogs did not get even a bite.

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